Indexation 573 : Physiologie animale
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 573 (10)

Titre : Anatomy and physiology of domestic animals Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : R. Michael Akers ; D. Michael Denbow Mention d'édition : Second edition. Editeur : New York : Wiley Année de publication : 2013 Importance : xi, 671 pages Présentation : illustrations (colour) Format : 29 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-118-35638-8 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Anatomie
Production animaleIndex. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Résumé : Présentation de l'éditeur : "
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Second Edition offers a detailed introduction to the foundations of anatomy and physiology in a wide range of domestic species. Well illustrated throughout, the book provides in-depth information on the guiding principles of this key area of study for animal science students, fostering a thorough understanding of the complex make-up of domestic animals. This Second Edition includes access to supplementary material online, including images and tables available for download in PowerPoint, a test bank of questions for instructors, and self-study questions for students at
Taking a logical systems-based approach, this new edition is fully updated and now provides more practical information, with descriptions of anatomic or physiological events in pets or domestic animals to demonstrate everyday applications. Offering greater depth of information than other books in this area, Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals is an invaluable textbook for animal science students and professionals in this area."Note de contenu : Preface vii
Preface to the First Edition ix
About the Companion Website xi
Chapter 1. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 3
Chapter 2. The Cell: The Common Physiological Denominator 11
Chapter 3. Fundamental Biochemical Pathways and Processes in Cellular Physiology 57
Chapter 4. Tissue Structure and Organization 85
Chapter 5. Integumentary System 121
Chapter 6. Bones and Skeletal System 139
Chapter 7. Muscular Tissue 179
Chapter 8. Introduction to the Nervous System 215
Chapter 9. Central Nervous System 241
Chapter 10. Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous System 265
Chapter 11. Special Senses 297
Chapter 12. Endocrine System 323
Chapter 13. Cardiovascular System 375
Chapter 14. Respiratory System 417
Chapter 15. Immunity 441
Chapter 16. Urinary System 459
Chapter 17. Digestive System 483
Chapter 18. Lactation 529
Chapter 19. Reproduction 557
Glossary 591
Index 633Anatomy and physiology of domestic animals [texte imprimé] / R. Michael Akers ; D. Michael Denbow . - Second edition. . - New York : Wiley, 2013 . - xi, 671 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 29 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-118-35638-8
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Anatomie
Production animaleIndex. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Résumé : Présentation de l'éditeur : "
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Second Edition offers a detailed introduction to the foundations of anatomy and physiology in a wide range of domestic species. Well illustrated throughout, the book provides in-depth information on the guiding principles of this key area of study for animal science students, fostering a thorough understanding of the complex make-up of domestic animals. This Second Edition includes access to supplementary material online, including images and tables available for download in PowerPoint, a test bank of questions for instructors, and self-study questions for students at
Taking a logical systems-based approach, this new edition is fully updated and now provides more practical information, with descriptions of anatomic or physiological events in pets or domestic animals to demonstrate everyday applications. Offering greater depth of information than other books in this area, Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals is an invaluable textbook for animal science students and professionals in this area."Note de contenu : Preface vii
Preface to the First Edition ix
About the Companion Website xi
Chapter 1. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 3
Chapter 2. The Cell: The Common Physiological Denominator 11
Chapter 3. Fundamental Biochemical Pathways and Processes in Cellular Physiology 57
Chapter 4. Tissue Structure and Organization 85
Chapter 5. Integumentary System 121
Chapter 6. Bones and Skeletal System 139
Chapter 7. Muscular Tissue 179
Chapter 8. Introduction to the Nervous System 215
Chapter 9. Central Nervous System 241
Chapter 10. Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous System 265
Chapter 11. Special Senses 297
Chapter 12. Endocrine System 323
Chapter 13. Cardiovascular System 375
Chapter 14. Respiratory System 417
Chapter 15. Immunity 441
Chapter 16. Urinary System 459
Chapter 17. Digestive System 483
Chapter 18. Lactation 529
Chapter 19. Reproduction 557
Glossary 591
Index 633Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité GEN000000000689 573 AKE Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Sorti jusqu'au 11/12/2024 Biologie animale des protozoaires aux métazoaires épithélioneuriens. Tome 2 / André Beaumont / Malakoff : Dunod (1995)
Titre de série : Biologie animale des protozoaires aux métazoaires épithélioneuriens Titre : Tome 2 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : André Beaumont, Auteur ; Pierre Cassier, Auteur Editeur : Malakoff : Dunod Année de publication : 1995 Importance : 459 p. Langues : Français (fre) Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Note de contenu : Présentation du règne animal. Les Protozoaires. Les Spongiaires. Les Cnidaires. Les Cténaires. Les Plathelminthes Les Némertiens. Les Rotifères. Les Némathelminthes. Les Annélides. Les Echiurides. Les Myzostomides. Les Sipunculides. Les Lophophoriens. Groupes incertae sedis. Les Mollusques
Biologie animale des protozoaires aux métazoaires épithélioneuriens. Tome 2 [texte imprimé] / André Beaumont, Auteur ; Pierre Cassier, Auteur . - Malakoff : Dunod, 1995 . - 459 p.
Langues : Français (fre)
Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Note de contenu : Présentation du règne animal. Les Protozoaires. Les Spongiaires. Les Cnidaires. Les Cténaires. Les Plathelminthes Les Némertiens. Les Rotifères. Les Némathelminthes. Les Annélides. Les Echiurides. Les Myzostomides. Les Sipunculides. Les Lophophoriens. Groupes incertae sedis. Les Mollusques
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0012800004444 571.1 BEA Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Archives Disponible 0012800004447 571.1 BEA Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Archives Disponible 0012800004443 571.1 BEA Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Archives Disponible 0012800004448 571.1 BEA Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible 0012800004733 571.1 BEA Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible 0012800004452 571.1 BEA Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible
Titre : Biologie de la lactation Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jack Martinet ; Louis-Marie Houdebine Editeur : INRA Station Efr Année de publication : 2000 Importance : 555 p ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-7380-0427-7 Prix : 75,46 eur Langues : Français (fre) Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Note de contenu : I. Endocrinologie de la lactation
III. Prolactine
IV. Montée laiteuse et galactopéoïèse
V. Systèmes nerveux central et lactation
IV. Génétique et synthèse protéique
V. Immunologie et glande mammaire
VI. Métabolisme et production laitière
VII. Le lait, nutrition et produits laitiers
IndexEn ligne : [...] Biologie de la lactation [texte imprimé] / Jack Martinet ; Louis-Marie Houdebine . - INRA Station Efr, 2000 . - 555 p.
ISBN : 978-2-7380-0427-7 : 75,46 eur
Langues : Français (fre)
Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Note de contenu : I. Endocrinologie de la lactation
III. Prolactine
IV. Montée laiteuse et galactopéoïèse
V. Systèmes nerveux central et lactation
IV. Génétique et synthèse protéique
V. Immunologie et glande mammaire
VI. Métabolisme et production laitière
VII. Le lait, nutrition et produits laitiers
IndexEn ligne : [...] Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0012800000011 573 MAR Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible 0012800000013 573 MAR Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible 0012800009317 573 MAR Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible Cunningham's textbook of veterinary physiology / James G Cunningham's / St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier (2019)
Titre : Cunningham's textbook of veterinary physiology Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : James G Cunningham's (19..-), Auteur ; Bradley G Klein (19..-), Éditeur scientifique Mention d'édition : 6e édition Editeur : St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 1 vol.(x- 645 p.) Présentation : ill.en coul Format : 29 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-323-55227-1 Note générale : Previous edition: St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2013
Originally published in 1992Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Médecine vétérinaire
PhysiologieMots-clés : Veterinary physiology Textbooks Physiology Animal Population Groups physiology Animals Physiologie Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Résumé : Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease. Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you grasp key concepts and learn how they relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text provides the solid foundation needed before advancing in the veterinary curriculum. Note de contenu : Section I: The Cell
1. The Molecular and Cellular Bases of Physiological Regulation
2. Cancer: A Disease of Cellular Proliferation, Life Span, and Death
Section II: Neurophysiology
3. Introduction to the Nervous System
4. The Neuron
5. The Synapse
6. The Physiology of Muscle
7. The Concept of a Reflex
8. Skeletal Muscle Receptor Organs
9. The Concept of Lower and Upper Motor Neurons and Their Malfunction
10. The Central Control of Movement
11. The Vestibular System
12. The Cerebellum
13. The Autonomic Nervous System
14. The Visual System
15. Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Blood-Brain Barrier
16. The Electroencephalogram and Sensory-Evoked Potentials
17. Hearing
Section III: Cardiovascular Physiology
18. Overview of Cardiovascular Function
19. Electrical Activity of the Heart
20. The Electrocardiogram
21. The Heart as a Pump
22. The Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations
23. Capillaries and Fluid Exchange
24. Local Control of Blood Flow
25. Neural and Hormonal Control of Blood Pressure and Blood Volume
26. Integrated Cardiovascular Responses
Section IV: Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract
27. Regulation of the Gastrointestinal Functions
28. Motility Patterns of the Gastrointestinal Tract
29. Secretions of the Gastrointestinal Tract
30. Digestion and Absorption: The Nonfermentative Processes
31. Digestion: The Fermentative Processes
32. Postabsorptive Nutrient Utilization
Section V: Endocrinology
33. The Endocrine System
34. Endocrine Glands and Their Function
Section VI: Reproduction and Lactation
35. Control of Gonadal and Gamete Development
36. Control of Ovulation and the Corpus Luteum
37. Reproductive Cycles
38. Pregnancy and Parturition
39. The Mammary Gland
40. Reproductive Physiology of the Male
Section VII: Renal Physiology
41. Glomerular Filtration
42. Solute Reabsorption
43. Water Balance
44. Acid-Base Balance
Section VIII: Respiratory Function
45. Overview of Respiratory Function: Ventilation of the Lung
46. Pulmonary Blood Flow
47. Gas Exchange
48. Gas Transport in the Blood
49. Control of Ventilation
50. Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung
Section IX: Homeostasis
51. Fetal and Neonatal Oxygen Transport
52. Acid-Base Homeostasis
53. Thermoregulation
Section X: The Immune System
54. Antigens and Innate Immunity
55. The Specific Immune Response: Acquired ImmunityCunningham's textbook of veterinary physiology [texte imprimé] / James G Cunningham's (19..-), Auteur ; Bradley G Klein (19..-), Éditeur scientifique . - 6e édition . - St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2019 . - 1 vol.(x- 645 p.) : ill.en coul ; 29 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-323-55227-1
Previous edition: St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2013
Originally published in 1992
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Médecine vétérinaire
PhysiologieMots-clés : Veterinary physiology Textbooks Physiology Animal Population Groups physiology Animals Physiologie Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Résumé : Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease. Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you grasp key concepts and learn how they relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text provides the solid foundation needed before advancing in the veterinary curriculum. Note de contenu : Section I: The Cell
1. The Molecular and Cellular Bases of Physiological Regulation
2. Cancer: A Disease of Cellular Proliferation, Life Span, and Death
Section II: Neurophysiology
3. Introduction to the Nervous System
4. The Neuron
5. The Synapse
6. The Physiology of Muscle
7. The Concept of a Reflex
8. Skeletal Muscle Receptor Organs
9. The Concept of Lower and Upper Motor Neurons and Their Malfunction
10. The Central Control of Movement
11. The Vestibular System
12. The Cerebellum
13. The Autonomic Nervous System
14. The Visual System
15. Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Blood-Brain Barrier
16. The Electroencephalogram and Sensory-Evoked Potentials
17. Hearing
Section III: Cardiovascular Physiology
18. Overview of Cardiovascular Function
19. Electrical Activity of the Heart
20. The Electrocardiogram
21. The Heart as a Pump
22. The Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations
23. Capillaries and Fluid Exchange
24. Local Control of Blood Flow
25. Neural and Hormonal Control of Blood Pressure and Blood Volume
26. Integrated Cardiovascular Responses
Section IV: Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract
27. Regulation of the Gastrointestinal Functions
28. Motility Patterns of the Gastrointestinal Tract
29. Secretions of the Gastrointestinal Tract
30. Digestion and Absorption: The Nonfermentative Processes
31. Digestion: The Fermentative Processes
32. Postabsorptive Nutrient Utilization
Section V: Endocrinology
33. The Endocrine System
34. Endocrine Glands and Their Function
Section VI: Reproduction and Lactation
35. Control of Gonadal and Gamete Development
36. Control of Ovulation and the Corpus Luteum
37. Reproductive Cycles
38. Pregnancy and Parturition
39. The Mammary Gland
40. Reproductive Physiology of the Male
Section VII: Renal Physiology
41. Glomerular Filtration
42. Solute Reabsorption
43. Water Balance
44. Acid-Base Balance
Section VIII: Respiratory Function
45. Overview of Respiratory Function: Ventilation of the Lung
46. Pulmonary Blood Flow
47. Gas Exchange
48. Gas Transport in the Blood
49. Control of Ventilation
50. Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung
Section IX: Homeostasis
51. Fetal and Neonatal Oxygen Transport
52. Acid-Base Homeostasis
53. Thermoregulation
Section X: The Immune System
54. Antigens and Innate Immunity
55. The Specific Immune Response: Acquired ImmunityRéservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité GEN000000004355 573 CUN Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Sorti jusqu'au 14/02/2025 GEN000000005872 573 CUN Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Sorti jusqu'au 01/01/2024
Titre : La Fonction ovarienne chez les mammifères Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Charles Thibault, Auteur ; Marie-Claire Levasseur, Auteur Editeur : Paris : Masson Année de publication : 1979 Collection : Actualités scientifiques et agronomiques de l'INRA, ISSN 0181-0979 num. 1 Importance : 102 p. Présentation : ill. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-225-63063-7 Prix : 60 F Note générale : Bibliogr. p. 83-99. Index Langues : Français (fre) Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Note de contenu :
1/ L'ovaire
2/ La croissance folliculaire
3/ La stéroïdogénèse
4/ La maturation de l'ovocyte
5/ L'ovulation
6/ La corps jaune
BibliographieLa Fonction ovarienne chez les mammifères [texte imprimé] / Charles Thibault, Auteur ; Marie-Claire Levasseur, Auteur . - Paris : Masson, 1979 . - 102 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Actualités scientifiques et agronomiques de l'INRA, ISSN 0181-0979; 1) .
ISBN : 978-2-225-63063-7 : 60 F
Bibliogr. p. 83-99. Index
Langues : Français (fre)
Index. décimale : 573 Physiologie animale Note de contenu :
1/ L'ovaire
2/ La croissance folliculaire
3/ La stéroïdogénèse
4/ La maturation de l'ovocyte
5/ L'ovulation
6/ La corps jaune
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