Indexation 636.089 607059 : Médecine légale vétérinaire
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 636.089 607059 (4)

Titre : Medicina Veterinària Forense Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Tàlia Missen Tremori, Directeur de publication Editeur : Millennium Editora Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 376 p. ill en coul ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-85-7625-396-9 Langues : Portugais (por) Catégories : Médecine légale Index. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : Medicina Veterinária Forense, que integra a série “Ciência Contra o Crime”, apresenta conteúdo extremamente amplo e diverso no contexto da Perícia e das Ciências Forenses, sendo objeto principal de estudo as perícias médico-veterinárias, que podem ocorrer em diversos contextos, cíveis e criminais, e representam uma demanda emergente nos dias atuais. A evolução e a demanda da sociedade em prol da justiça aos animais e o número de desastres ambientais envolvendo vítimas humanas e animais comprovam quão indissociável é essa relação, reforçando o conceito “One Health”. Por essa razão, as leis envolvendo animais e regulação da profissão do médico-veterinário vêm sofrendo adaptações, ajustes e evoluções, e a obra Medicina Veterinária Forense traz desde o estado de arte dessa ciência até protocolos e condutas para aplicação prática do profissional, transcorrendo diversas áreas com um enfoque multidisciplinar. Como proceder em caso de maus-tratos envolvendo animais do ponto de vista pericial, exames e diagnósticos periciais, elaboração de laudos, pareceres, documentos técnicos e perícias em alimentos, casos de tráfico, contrabando, conexões com a violência e saúde única. São alguns dos pontos abordados com maestria na obra que visa trazer mais conteúdo para a aplicação da ciência médica veterinária em prol da justiça aos animais, seres humanos e meio ambiente Medicina Veterinària Forense [texte imprimé] / Tàlia Missen Tremori, Directeur de publication . - Millennium Editora, 2023 . - 376 p. ill en coul.
ISBN : 978-85-7625-396-9
Langues : Portugais (por)
Catégories : Médecine légale Index. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : Medicina Veterinária Forense, que integra a série “Ciência Contra o Crime”, apresenta conteúdo extremamente amplo e diverso no contexto da Perícia e das Ciências Forenses, sendo objeto principal de estudo as perícias médico-veterinárias, que podem ocorrer em diversos contextos, cíveis e criminais, e representam uma demanda emergente nos dias atuais. A evolução e a demanda da sociedade em prol da justiça aos animais e o número de desastres ambientais envolvendo vítimas humanas e animais comprovam quão indissociável é essa relação, reforçando o conceito “One Health”. Por essa razão, as leis envolvendo animais e regulação da profissão do médico-veterinário vêm sofrendo adaptações, ajustes e evoluções, e a obra Medicina Veterinária Forense traz desde o estado de arte dessa ciência até protocolos e condutas para aplicação prática do profissional, transcorrendo diversas áreas com um enfoque multidisciplinar. Como proceder em caso de maus-tratos envolvendo animais do ponto de vista pericial, exames e diagnósticos periciais, elaboração de laudos, pareceres, documentos técnicos e perícias em alimentos, casos de tráfico, contrabando, conexões com a violência e saúde única. São alguns dos pontos abordados com maestria na obra que visa trazer mais conteúdo para a aplicação da ciência médica veterinária em prol da justiça aos animais, seres humanos e meio ambiente Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité GEN000000006449 636.089 607059 MIS Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible Necropsy guide for dogs, cats, and small mammals / Sean P. McDonough ; Teresa L. Southard / Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell (2017)
Titre : Necropsy guide for dogs, cats, and small mammals Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Sean P. McDonough ; Teresa L. Southard Editeur : Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell Année de publication : 2017 Importance : xxi, 200 pages Présentation : illustrations (some color) Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-119-11565-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Animaux de compagnie
Médecine légale
Médecine vétérinaireIndex. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : "Necropsy Guide for Dogs, Cats, and Small Mammals is a complete, practical resource for performing necropsies on dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, and ferrets in the veterinary clinic, animal shelter, research laboratory, or in the field.
Provides practical guidance on all aspects of performing an necropsy on dogs, cats, and small mammals and interpreting the results
Presents more than 200 full-color images to demonstrate techniques and findings
Offers step-by-step instructions for the necropsy process and collecting samples
Includes an anatomy review, discussion of dissection techniques, and list of common artifacts and post-mortem changes for each organ system
Supports veterinarians in performing a necropsy in any setting, including animal shelters, veterinary clinics, research laboratories, and in the field"Necropsy guide for dogs, cats, and small mammals [texte imprimé] / Sean P. McDonough ; Teresa L. Southard . - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell, 2017 . - xxi, 200 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-119-11565-6
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Animaux de compagnie
Médecine légale
Médecine vétérinaireIndex. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : "Necropsy Guide for Dogs, Cats, and Small Mammals is a complete, practical resource for performing necropsies on dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, and ferrets in the veterinary clinic, animal shelter, research laboratory, or in the field.
Provides practical guidance on all aspects of performing an necropsy on dogs, cats, and small mammals and interpreting the results
Presents more than 200 full-color images to demonstrate techniques and findings
Offers step-by-step instructions for the necropsy process and collecting samples
Includes an anatomy review, discussion of dissection techniques, and list of common artifacts and post-mortem changes for each organ system
Supports veterinarians in performing a necropsy in any setting, including animal shelters, veterinary clinics, research laboratories, and in the field"Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité GEN000000006312 636.089 607059 MCD Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples / Isabel Pires / Singapour : Bentham books (2020)
Titre : Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Isabel Pires, Auteur ; Andreia Garcês, Auteur Editeur : Singapour : Bentham books Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 177 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-981-1468322-- Prix : 66,00 euros Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Animal sauvage
Médecine légale
Médecine vétérinaireIndex. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : "In this handbook, the authors provide a practical, easily accessible guide of necropsy techniques for examining wildlife. Chapters introduce the reader to the value of necropsy in studying wildlife in general, sample collection methods, cadaveric phenomena and necropsy techniques for a variety of organisms ranging from invertebrates to mammals. The book addresses some of the peculiar characteristics of veterinary autopsy specific to different types of specimens. The goal of this book is to equip the reader with the information necessary to conduct a forensic examination in order to reach a conclusive diagnosis of an animal’s death, while also understanding it in an ecological context.
Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples is intended as an essential handbook for students and professionals of biology, zoology and veterinary medicine as well as professionals, who work in natural parks, wildlife rehabilitation centers and biological or zoological parks as conservationists, researchers or animal handlers."Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples [texte imprimé] / Isabel Pires, Auteur ; Andreia Garcês, Auteur . - Singapour : Bentham books, 2020 . - 177 p.
ISBN : 978-981-1468322-- : 66,00 euros
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : Animal sauvage
Médecine légale
Médecine vétérinaireIndex. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : "In this handbook, the authors provide a practical, easily accessible guide of necropsy techniques for examining wildlife. Chapters introduce the reader to the value of necropsy in studying wildlife in general, sample collection methods, cadaveric phenomena and necropsy techniques for a variety of organisms ranging from invertebrates to mammals. The book addresses some of the peculiar characteristics of veterinary autopsy specific to different types of specimens. The goal of this book is to equip the reader with the information necessary to conduct a forensic examination in order to reach a conclusive diagnosis of an animal’s death, while also understanding it in an ecological context.
Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples is intended as an essential handbook for students and professionals of biology, zoology and veterinary medicine as well as professionals, who work in natural parks, wildlife rehabilitation centers and biological or zoological parks as conservationists, researchers or animal handlers."Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité GEN000000006311 636.089 607059 PIR Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible
Titre : Veterinary Forensics : Animal Cruelty Investigations Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Melinda D. Merck, Auteur Mention d'édition : 2ème éd. Editeur : Hoboken (N.J) : Wiley Blackwell Année de publication : 2013 Importance : 402 p. ill. en coul. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 97800470961629 Prix : 108 euros Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Médecine légale Index. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : "Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed information on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and findings, handling evidence, and testifying in court. Key changes to the new edition include new chapters on abuse in large animals, poultry, and birds; a standalone chapter on entomology; a new section on large scale cruelty investigation; an expanded section on pain and suffering; more pathology information; and more photos, forms, and information throughout.
Logs and workbooks from the book are available on a companion website at, allowing readers to download, customize, and use these forms in forensics investigations. Veterinary Forensics is an essential resource for veterinarians, pathologists, attorneys, and investigators working on animal abuse cases."Veterinary Forensics : Animal Cruelty Investigations [texte imprimé] / Melinda D. Merck, Auteur . - 2ème éd. . - Hoboken (N.J) : Wiley Blackwell, 2013 . - 402 p. ill. en coul.
ISSN : 97800470961629 : 108 euros
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Médecine légale Index. décimale : 636.089 607059 Médecine légale vétérinaire Résumé : "Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed information on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and findings, handling evidence, and testifying in court. Key changes to the new edition include new chapters on abuse in large animals, poultry, and birds; a standalone chapter on entomology; a new section on large scale cruelty investigation; an expanded section on pain and suffering; more pathology information; and more photos, forms, and information throughout.
Logs and workbooks from the book are available on a companion website at, allowing readers to download, customize, and use these forms in forensics investigations. Veterinary Forensics is an essential resource for veterinarians, pathologists, attorneys, and investigators working on animal abuse cases."Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité GEN000000006310 636.089 607059 DME Ouvrage Centre de documentation UniLasalle/ Campus Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible