> 6 Politique, droit et économie > 6.30 Développement économique et social > Développement économique et social > Politique de développement > Stratégie de développement > Développement humain A process of enlarging people's choices: focuses on both the formation of human capabilities - improved health, knowledge and skills - and the use people make of their acquired capabilities, for work or leisure.
 Enabling individuals or communities to take charge and make full use of their knowledge, energies and judgment. Autonomisation
People centered development
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Besoins essentiels
The minimum requirements for a decent standard of life: adequate food, shelter, clothing, community services. They also include needs relating to human rights, public participation in decision-making, productive employment.
Bien-être social
Croissance économique
Refers to the increased output of goods and services. Do not confuse with "economic and social development".
Culture de paix
A culture that promotes lifeways, patterns of belief, values and behaviour that foster peace-building and accompanying institutional arrangements.
Développement des ressources humaines
Refers to all management decisions affecting the nature of the relationship between the organization and its employees, i.e. its human resources.
Développement intégré
Development taking into account a range of factors characteristic of the human condition.
Développement participatif
Institutionalization of popular participation in the development process.
Société civile
Organized and legally bound social life that is voluntary and autonomous from the State, such as nongovernmental organizations, associations and grassroot movements.